Sunday, January 12, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Team members have their first meeting after kick off in the basement of The Leonardo, the place PrototypeX calls home.  Team members look on while Long time mentor, Jim Cook, explains a concept to the team.

Big Ideas


Coach, Keith Schramm, helped team members get right to work sharing big ideas about Aerial Assist.  They only have six weeks to design, build, program, and test their robot.

January 4th: The Big Day

"Aerial Assist" was unveiled to Utah teams at Hillcrest High School on January 4th.  Excited and wheels already starting to turn, PrototypeX team members take the walk to pick up their kit of parts.

PrototypeX Hosts SLC 4-H Scrimmage

PrototypeX hosted an FLL scrimmage at Entheos Academy December 14, 2013.  PrototypeX team members served as referees, judges, and robot help mentors, while FLL teams got a taste of what to expect at regional competitions.

PrototypeX Team Members FIRST Response

Many PrototypeX team are "first" responders.  They remember the glory days of FIRST LEGO League and are responding to the need for mentors and coaches to help younger students.  Cassandra Ivie and Trevor Hope (photos below) are two PrototypeX team members that are coaching FLL teams.